In beautiful hilly woodland with a view to lakes and forest covered hills, this is where you find our clinic. With the Rye Noerskov Estate as our closest neighbour and Himmelbjerget as the ‘highest’, we are beautifully situated in the middle of the Jutland Lake District Søhøjlandet.
We are a small team of professional staff, who most of the time are found in the clinic but also go out on calls.
We have specialized in the lameness of the horse and diagnostic evaluation of same. We are among the leaders in this country when it comes to pre-purchase examinations and x-ray in particular. We are crazy about what we do, and we are good at it!
We live by the motto that only the best is good enough for our clients, so therefore we take our time with each individual horse, and we don’t conclude a treatment until the diagnosis has been found!
In addition to our clinic, which includes exactly what we need, we have a small stable section which works well for day patients as well as hospitalization of a longer duration. We have room for the individual horse or mare with a foal.
In connection with the stable, we also have a room for collection of semen from stallions or for what it is most often used for, viz. insemination of mares with foal.